Reconfigured Cycle Rack
Reclaimed Stainless Steel
June 2022
Robert Mcleod
Legge Studio
(Lead fabricator)
Alex Cashmore
(Engineering assistance)
Harry Gaved
(Install assistance)
The Reconfigured Cycle Rack is a sculptural habitat installed as a public art piece on the University of Surrey's Stag Hill campus. The piece makes use of reclaimed cycle racks from the uni grounds. The racks were cut down into around 600 pieces and reassembled to form a dome structure that houses a log pile in its centre.

Research focused mainly on slow worms and stag beetles as protected species present in the area. Decaying log piles are essential for stag beetles as a food source, with the material also attracting invertebrate species for slow worms to feed on. The metal pipes absorb heat and protect the log pile from the direct sun, in this way they form a haven for slow worms searching for a place to eat or bask.The sculpture was commissioned for Surrey Hills Arts' HABITAT project. The project took a small area on campus at the University of Surrey, transforming it through planting and the introduction of four sculptural habitats to support local wildlife with support from Surrey Wildlife Trust.